Residencies and Projects
Inscape supports artist to develop their arts practice in health environments in a unique collaboration with patients, staff and visitors. Currently we have artists working at:
The Roy Fagan Centre is a specialised inpatient facility to assess and treat older people with mental illness and dementia. Bec Stevens has been sharing her arts practice that uses plants, artmaking and a garden trolley.
The Community Rehabilitation unit (CRU) offers a multidisciplinary outpatient service for people who have experience medical conditions that requires rehabilitation. Here we support 15 day residencies with different art forms.
Last year poet Helen Swain wrote poems, shared poems, supported clients and staff to write poems and produced a booklet from the work.
I stand in the doorway
between the world and my pain
but like a caterpillar
I will emerge from the dark
to stretch my delicate wings”
This year we have just completed a dance residency with Felicity Bott, professional dancer, choreographer and artistic director, guided clients in dance, dance making and facilitated showings and workshops of work.
New Norfolk District Hospital is a 24 bed sub-acute inpatient facility in the Derwent Valley. Tiff Norchick and Jacqui Dawborn spent a series of Monday mornings playing music, painting and drawing with patients and staff.
Past Residencies and Projects
The Care Through Creativity project
Inscape Tas launched a series of 25-day artist residencies at the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) in 2021 and 2022. The artist residencies were an opportunity for artists to be immersed in the hospital environment and respond to the experience through their arts practice to produce an artistic outcome.
It enabled them to connect with staff, patients, and families. Inscape Tas managed and directly supported the selected artists.
The project was possible due to project funding from the Australia Council of the Arts for 2 residencies. The Royal Hobart Hospital Donation Fund also contributed financially to enable a 3rd 25-day residency.
The successful applicants were Allan Mansell, Bec Stevens and Claire Pendrigh.
The Care Through Creativity Project was assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.